I haven't posted anything for a while because I started work and I have zero time to shoot new things, and it is driving me soo crazy! Hopefully I will have some new stuff soon.
Last week Justin Hackworth invited me to attend a group named the salt lake 7
I was so stoked to hang out with a whole bunch of guys that know what they are talking about. I don't think I said more than 50 words the whole night because I was just listening and learning the whole 4 hours we met. It was a good way to get good criticism from other people that know their stuff. We meet once a month and hopefully it will be an opportunity for me to show my stuff in a gallery this fall... It's a great start for me and Kent Miles is a great mentor along with all of the other guys in the group.
I love this one of Ash

This cemetery in Mexico is classic because all of the gravestones are above the ground so they are lavished little cities for the dead.
I found your blog by just blog stalking...if you will but I just wanted to say that you're photos are absolutely phenomenal! Every single one of them was fulfilling and beautiful! I know nothing about photography but I know talent when I see it. Danica
Cortney, seriously, that is so awesome. Profound words, I know. But what a great opportunity!
I love your photos. Yup.
Not surprised someone who "knows their stuff" does too.
Hey Cort it's your favorite mission companion. Love the pics. I'm over here chillin in Iraq. Check out my blog. navydentist.blogspot.com Maybe I can grow up to be like you someday.
CONGRATS, Toe-doe . . . what do they call "you" now, the SL8? Love the little 'cemetary-city', nice one of Ash (as usual) and the ruins is great - looks really, really old (as ruins do!). I'm so excited for you. Now, everything you LEARN you must pass on (right?)!
Love, Mom
would you be interested in going on a hunt with Todd and I this fall, over in Evanston? I should have a moose tag, and hopefully deer tags if we draw. It opens for both species on Oct 1. We have made some connections and have a good amount of private ground to hunt on. I want to hire you to come and take pictures. If you come I will buy your deer tag for you, so you can kill you a buck. The deadline to apply for a tag is March 15, so let me know. Last year I had Marlo and Carl Byington come along to be the camp cooks. Sounds like they are on again for this year. Your work looks pretty amazing. Let me know if your interested.
that is exciting about the SL7 thing! Proud of you!-n
Ashley is sooooo photogenic. I love to look at pics of her - so beautiful.
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