Monday, October 20, 2008

Unemployment is not sweet!

So as you all know I am now jobless and excited to see what comes our way in the future. In the meantime, I am trying to subsidize some income through photography, so if there is anyone out there in the universe that wants family pics, portraits, bridals, engagements, wedding or any type of photography done.....please send them my way. I have always wanted to do more with photography but never had the time to do it, so I would turn down weddings and other assorted jobs because of my lack of time but I am telling you now that I won't turn anything down! I would really appreciate any info. Thanks a lot

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Davis Residence

Rob and his clean features


It's amazing how much good light effects a photo... Amber I love this photo






Weekend at Grandmas


The neighbors let us pick as many raspberries as we wanted and the kids took advantage of that. Rob probably ate 100 of those suckers.

I know, I know, I am sexy


Friday, October 3, 2008

Straight up Hick

The older I get the more my "Hick " roots come out. I am OBSESSED with fishing and hunting right now. Every day during lunch we fish with our bows and with our rods and we catch some pretty crazy stuff.
This carp I got with my bow. Some of them are pretty darn big. We shoot these out of our pond on the golf course, because the owners don't want them in there to please the Boss.

The Large mouth bass are rare to catch, but I have caught 5 or 6 of them this size in the past couple of weeks.

I finally got my deer. I ended up getting him on the second to the last day of the season.... the bad thing is that the big one (5x5) was right in front of him on the other side of a tree. Maybe next year I can get him.

I really pretty Brown I caught on the middle Provo river in Midway.

I got this guy 2 days ago, I had another one bigger than that know.

I have a pretty dang good job!

Earl Reunion

The reunion was just east of Heber and really beautiful. This was just above our cabin.

Hendrix... cute kid Nena